Sourcing materials responsibly has become a growing concern within supply chain management. As supply chains expand into low- and middle-income countries, the attraction of lower production costs and higher yields increase the risks of harming local communities and ecosystems. This can result from stressing natural resources and exploiting workers throughout the supply chain.
As all SMEs require materials in some form, evaluating where materials come from and how they travel through the supply chain is essential for corporate social responsibility. SMEs are responsible for ensuring products are created using environmentally-conscious materials and processes while labour has been responsibly sourced.
<aside> π‘ What does it mean in practice?
It means replacing materials sourced from child or forced labour with materials sourced from consensual and fairly rewarded labour, which removes the need for child labour. Furthermore, opting for less energy-intensive materials or those requiring shorter refinement processes will reduce stress on natural resources within the supply chain.
Sourcing materials responsibly and ethically is essential for ensuring healthy environments with none to minimal pollution of water, soil, and air. This is significant for public health and for wildlife to continue to have enough habitat to survive. We are reliant on the natural world for oxygen, food, building materials, and recreation. However, when materials are sourced irresponsibly, i.e. through over-extraction, contamination of local areas, with use of forced labour; then we deplete the building blocks we rely on for our existence. Ensuring responsible sourcing of materials is not just a lifeline for keeping the environment livable, but opens the door to developing strong supplier relationships and increasing consumer attractiveness.
Responsible sourcing means less likelihood of breaching environmental regulations along with associated fines and potential legal action against the SME - saves costs and reduces the potential for legal harm against the company.
Responsible sourcing creates brand protection - consumers are likelier to purchase from companies with a good reputation for avoiding unsustainable practices.
Responsible sourcing ensures that the materials you rely on for your company's success and personal well-being are not depleted, and ensures sustained use for the future.
<aside> π‘ Did you know?
The Welsh Government provided a sustainable procurement strategy in 2022, allowing the public sector to follow frameworks to incorporate sustainable strategies into individual procurement plans. If you supply to the public sector, you might likely be asked whether your products are sustainable.